Wednesday, June 4, 2008

POSTMARKED 2008 Exhibition Gallery Photos

Postmarked 2008: Exhibition Photos including every wall and pedestal and entryway and our friendly volunteers. Thank you to Liz Aurelia, Pat Evans, Doug McGoon, Yoshie Sakai, for being such an excellent installation crew. Dawn, Mikal, Doug, Jan, Rachel and John got the pedestals for the show and painted them.  Katie and Lucette showed up as scheduled to help too - but we were already done, thanks to laser technology!  We have had many guests already, who have visited the show, commented in delight, and have placed bids.  So, on to the show....... Anne
These are whole gallery views:
Gallery Setting in Packing House 
Gallery Entrance
Left Side (Southside)
Right Side (Northside)
Details of Southside Wall:
North Side Details:
Pedestal Details:
A Few Postmarked 2008 Volunteers:
Anne (that's me!) at Postmarked 2008 Reception Desk
Jan, Claremont Forum Board Prez
Rick and Marie Elena modeling our teeshirts in the Claremont Forum's Thoreau Bookstore, which is also where the Prison Library Project receives, sorts, and packs books for mailing.
 I will try to catch other volunteers for photos...will add as I can...some are a little camera-shy, so we will just say hello: HELLO RACHEL! 


Alison said...

The photos of the gallery look great!! Thanks for all your had work Anne! Wee you tomorrow night.

Alison said...
